Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ravenna, Italy


We've only been gone for just over a week and already I am sick. It doesn't seem to be too bad, though. Maybe just a cold. But in the past three hours or so I've had 2.5 bottles of water, 1 tall glass of orange juice, 3 tea cups of Echinacea, fruit, veggies and a Sudafed. Lets hope I'm ambling down the path to a speedy recovery!

Tonight will be our last show in Italy. The town, Ravenna, is small and Industrial, but (a fact for the pack of trivia fiends I know) this is the town where Dante died and was buried. That's the big tourist attraction for this place, along with a music festival that occurs in the summer, right at the beach. The venue I'm writing you from is pretty nice. big stage. great sound. a greenroom bountiful with fancy cheese, fruit, tea, beer, meats, breads, some strange cheetoh thing that Travis kept throwing into people's mouths. Hope the show is swell! Things have been sounding pretty good these days.

Ok. I'm off to find a real bathroom. This is the second venue in a row where the bathroom consists of a porcelin hole in the ground... !? You have to squat! Everyone. Even ladies. not cool. not fun. I walked to a bar down the road last night with Dylan and Kendal, and bought everyone a drink, all for the sake of a real, legit toilet. Italy, I love your red wine. And your hearty dinners. But gosh, someone explain the lack of a seat!


mamadelapaz said...

Wow. Loving your posts! Thank you!!

Danyelle said...

Squatty potty!!! Used one for 3 weeks. It becomes normal at some point.