Oh man, I feel like I'm never going to catch up. I'm sure I've been writing for over an hour now. People are asleep in the van; we're listening to a mix tape Jesy made and I'm trying to write about things before I forget.
Yesterday we woke up slowly, took showers and explored Seattle. Trying to keep nine people together and entertained downtown is difficult. So eventually we split up. Nicole, Travis and I walked down Pike Street to 1st street by the farmer's market and pier.
probably heard of in Seattle where they guys at a fresh fish place toss big fish around. Everyone gathers to take pictures and every now and again they like to freak people out and throw a big fake fish at them. Very touristy, but entertaining. We found the water and gazed into it. It stretches for miles and miles and hits the mountains that look to be sinking in the distance. pretty.
When we got back to the house, we packed up and headed for the show. The venue turned out to be Q Cafe, right next to Quest church...Some people were skeptical of a place that seemed to be so closely associated with the church. Buut the staff said though the cafe was founded by the church it is not affiliated with it...even though our green room was labeled "Children's Room" and had Bibles in it. lol I don't really care either way. I don't mind playing in churches. It was a big deal that by 8pm only two people were there. haha. We debated about whether or not we should play. The venue was far from the downtown scene and according to Jesy sort of out of the way. We waited around, played pictionary for a while and then decided to do short sets: Bexar Bexar: Balmorhea : Tiny Vipers. In the middle of the Balm set people wound up coming so we played a few extra. It was fine. no pressure. Kind of like practice really. lol is that mean to say? meh, whatever.
Jesy played for a while and then we packed up our stuff and headed out.
OH wait, totally forgot to mention that Rob played guitar with Brian and then randomly started drumming on two songs! We (Meg, Travis, Nicole and I) weren't expecting that and turned to look at each other to confirm our surprise. I think Nicole got pictures. Probably isn't really a big deal. What doesn't Rob play is the question. But it was a fun moment at the time.
Anyway. I need to go faster. Taylor told a ghost story under a blanket with a flashlight in the van. Mike and Brian wrestled WHILE Mike was driving! Brian denies it but nicole has it on video. Those two wrestle, tease and play like children. It's funny.
Got home. Went to a bar. Sat around with some friends mike made at a previous show in Seattle. Brian and Taylor raced barefoot down the block. A&M Trackster Taylor won. Two guys broke some glasses outside and were dumb enough to leave and return. Some guy sitting at a table 1ft behind where Nicole and I were standing was dumb enough to make a comment about our backsides loud enough for me to hear. I hate that. And after I've had two beers I really hate that and wasn't afraid to wittily let him know. I don't know what it is about some men that makes them think they can talk about women like we're mindless figures to be gawked at. If they decide to exercise that right of free speech, then I choose to exercise the right to make them aware of their stupidity. Fair trade, right?
Anyway, after some talk about music, we headed back up a steep hill. and slept. I think its kind of weird to get excited about a "bed" that's in a different place every night.
1 comment:
Seattle people sound like Australians (a.k.a. they have an interesting sense of humor). I think I might like it there...
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