OH man. I can't believe it's Sunday already. I haven't written in a while, but i have a feeling it just might be this way for this tour. There's just no time, and we haven't really been getting internet consistently.
I think the last show i wrote about was Wednesday. Here's a recap: (P.S. that picture will make sense in about four paragraphs)
Thursday: Berlin, Germany
Before the show, we got to see the most beautiful cathedral i've ever encountered (only rivaled by the one in Reims). We walked around to the touristy areas, checking out some historical landmarks. Back at the venue, Shocolate (I know I mispelled that), we were greeted by a former Chicago native who booked the show. As far as the show is concered, there was a crazy sound situation and the most, shall we say, through soundcheck of my life. There could possibly be more to that story, but I will leave it at that. We had some strange buzz from the electric guitar that we couldn't get rid of. Little did we know this would become a running theme. Anyway, we delt with it fine. Holms, the other band, was great. Folk rocky. Made us feel like we were back in Texas again, which was nice. Post show, we went to bed annd the end!
Friday: Duisburg, Germany
Fun show. Really nice guys in other band!! They are called Scraps of Tape. We've been so lucky to meet nothing but extraordinarily nice people who seem so genuine. The people at the venue made us dinner (twas a baked pasta dish...aka my favorite. it's like they knew me or something). Anyway, the show was fun. It felt really great and there as a pretty big crowd. We sold a good number of cds and wound up autographing a few. that's still weird to me, but you give the people what they want, right? Anyway, after the show we stayed at the apartment of these two girls who were at the show. It was really nice! They had mattresses set out for us and everything. I cuddled up on the couch voluntarily since I'm the smallest and fell asleep almost instantly. That is, after sitting out on the patio and video chatting with mi madre. Skype is a wonderful thing. Its weird talking to someone who's in a completely different point in their day on the other side of the earth. It's weird talking to someone on the other side of the earth period.
Today! Sunday!
We are in Luzern, Switzerland. The show was alright. I felt weird the whole time in a way that I can't really explain. I was just really emotionally deatched, I suppose. Usually I get pretty involved musically and this time I just felt like my mind was everywhere the whole time. Oh welllllll. Anyway, they fed us a great dinner before and the venue is pretty cool. I wish I'd taken some pictures, but I've been very camera lazy on my past few trips. We met the guys from the band who played before us, and they were pretty cool. We'll be playing with them again about 10 days from now, when we're back in Switzerland. Lets see, aside from all this:
-I had a Capri Sun in France today! Tastes the same, but looks way cooler.
-We went to a French gas station that had a dine-in buffet and sub sanwhiches for sale!
-passed some amazing mountains in Switzerland, probably the largest I've ever seen
-saw an incredible cathedral in Remins, France after breakfast (see photo above). I remember studying it in Art history. It's the most popular one in france, I've heard.
-ummm...Europe is cool. I am sleepy. we just put our clothes in a washer that literally takes several HOURS to wash. geeze. Have the next two days off. write later. g'night!
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