Friday, October 9, 2009


Hey and hello!

It is 3:42 in the morning, and I know I should be sleeping but for some reason I'm up and anxious about updating. Mostly, I just haven't written anyone all week. So I thought I'd post a few things just to let you guys know that I'm alive and well.

I'm sitting on the floor next to an impressive pile of books in our friend Jacques' apartment. After the show tonight, we drove thirty mintues from Geneva, Switzerland to Lausanne. I can't really think anymore, so I'm telling this story completely out of order. But I'll just say that the place we played was crazy. So huge! We were the first band in the "Festival of Obscure Music,"...I'm not really sure what to say about that. Perhaps being obscure is more cool in Europe than it is in America. The night started with strange acrobats performing, followed by a man doing flips in and around the largest hulahoop I've ever seen, with the grand finale of two girls submurged in "aqua tanks" flipping around, waving their arms and looking creepy. yes. an aqua tank. So strange.

I guess I don't need to say that we felt out of place.

However, somehow people showed up and things went pretty well, save for a slight butchering of Harm & Boone...but we recovered. Friends we made from our last trip to Switzerland came to our show and offered to house us. And it's always fun to stay with friends, which is what brought us to Lausanne. The boys went with the promoters of our show in the spring and Nicole and I left with Jacques and his sister Vanessa. The faint sound of techno beats are sifting through the floor. Jacques' place is just above a night club, but it's cosy, especially with this adorable little kitten running around. It's been so fun hanging out. I thought I'd never see these guys again, so it's been great to spend the day with them.

anyhow. sleep beckons. In the morning, Nicole and I are going to a flea market to dig for some treasures. ! so excited


1 comment:

Danyelle said...

I just met a guy who was telling me to go to Zurich in Switzerland. I thought, "Hey, I think Aisha's in Switzerland!" But I just looked at a map and it's nowhere near where you are. When you get back and feel like traveling again you should totally come visit. I can introduce you to cool international people!