Wednesday, April 14, 2010

april 14 - Paris

Hey hey.
This shall be a quick one I think! We played last night in Paris and are staying here another night, which has made today feel like a day off. Woke up without an alarm. Slept on in. Ate the best croissants in the world. Kendall scrambled some eggs and shared em with me. Had an orange, And a glass of the reddest orange juice I've ever seen. Sat at the table with Kendall and Marco, our host, and talked about French politics for a while. nice. Conquered the laundry beast afterward. It's gonna feel so nice to put on clean clothes tomorrow! Not a lot else goin' on. Just resting and being lazy...aka, my tour heaven.

performance tonight. long drive tomorrow. woo!


Danyelle said...

Again describing everything you ate!

Aisha Burns said...

haha. I can't help it! Getting food (and food that you actually enjoy and want to eat) becomes 10 times more significant while on tour I'd say. It was nice to finally have scrambled eggs! They always hard boil them here...(thumbs down).