Saturday, April 17, 2010

Still in Vinelz

photo by M.Muller.

My new favorite game.
(that I so lazily described earlier)

Been here since noon and have been taken care of so well. I watched a 9-year-old girl very confidently beat two grown men at Foosball. Later I had a semi-lengthy conversation with a Swiss man wearing an F--- Bush t-shirt (he says it was completely unplanned. he had no idea who we were or that we were from Texas) about health care. I wish that the people who are protesting any sort of reform could come talk to Europeans. The way it works here just makes so much more sense to me. You shouldn't be left with an unmanageable bill because you were ill or had an emergency or had to ride in an ambulance to the ER...That is absurd to me. It's absurd to people here. I just wish people at home could see things this way. Anyway, I won't get too political here...

This guy has joined the club of people who are shocked that we are from Texas because we "don't sound like it." haha. It's still funny to me, but not surprising. We are certainly lacking the drawl. I guess I don't spend too much time with people who sound like they should be from Texas. Oh gosh, if we all sounded like we walked out of Walker Texas Ranger or something I'm not sure I could handle it..

Still waitin' to play. Nills is playing my favorite song of his. ah. We need to play soon. We're all fallin asleeeep. First day off tomorrow(!)

1 comment:

Danyelle said...

Yeah, I've talked with my European friends about health care as well. It makes so much more sense. I talked with my friend in Spain about homelessness and he was like, "oh, the government helps them out." They were all surprised that people are sleeping on the streets at night in the winter and many of them that cannot get into shelters will freeze to death. Sorry to put a damper on your trip, I just thought it was interesting that this surprised them when I thought it was sad, but not at all surprising.

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