So I'm playing catch up again so we'll see how much I can remember. We played at a place called Imperial? Imperium? It was a coffee shop with two stages, the larger one in a basement. Three local bands were on the bill along with us, and we traded off sets between stages. People stuck around and saw all of us play, which was cool. We didn't know what kind of crowd to expect in Spokane, Washington.
Speaking of not knowing what to expect, we did not foresee walking around for half an hour downtown struggling to find some where to eat at 5:30! NOTHING was open, expect for Spaghetti Factory (which had an hour wait), some snooty expensive greek place. Ridiculous. Apparently no one goes out to eat in that area of town on a Saturday night. We ended up eating at a place that had "Authentic Thai Food" on its sign, and any place that has to advertise that it's authentic cusine makes me nervous...they also had liquor bottles for vases and were playing bad pop songs as their house music. Call me sterotypical but that's just not the music I'd imagined at an AUTHENTIC Thai resturaunt...
Anyway, show was good. pre-show actitivites were good. They consisted of multiple rounds of arcade style Street Fighter!! It was great. I love that game. And apparently so did Jesy and Taylor.
I'm feeling like this is kind of boring, I appologize. I didn't take any pictures because this was the day on tour that I was slightly grumpy/dehydrated/ ready to disappear. Sometimes I just want to hide and not do anything and that was today. BUT it turned out well! Afterwards we hung out at the spot to be at, called Neato Burrito lol Imagine a crowded Chipoltle with darkened lights, indie rock house music and a bar. Funny. After that, we stayed with Krissy, owner of the venue. We sat around outside singing songs and playing guitar before goin to bed. Next stop, Missoula, Montana
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