it is 8:10pm. I am in France, and I haven't left this awkward, poorly lit room in nearly 12 hours. It's like my body has some 6th sense. It knows exactly when we might have some time in a town that is cool and decides to retract the immune system gates and let a virus of sorts waltz on in.
Gee, thanks.
But really, this is probably the best time in the whole tour to be sick. Today is our second consecutive day off, and lucky for me we've booked this hotel for two nights. It is not the coziest place we've been in (my bed, unfolded and placed diagonally across the floor, seems like some sort of afterthought), but as I go down the list of creature comforts, they are all present: AC/Heating, more than one tiny lamp light, bathroom, shower, toilet(!), warm water, windows.
Last night, I felt terrible. It took four blankets on top of me sleeping in tights, jeans, a t-shirt, and sweater for warmth to find me. I felt similar symptoms to the death flu I had in Prague last spring and silently panicked. But Travis was kind enough to give me some Theraflu. Rob retrieved hot water and a mug so I could prepare that awful-tasting medicine, and Andrew kept me company so I wouldn't be all alone.
I am on tour with the nicest boys ever.
While everyone has wandered about, found the sea, found food and acquired new garments at H&M (!), I've been confined to this bed. I feel sort of like Repunzel, gazing out of this balcony window, watching people strolling about in the real world and wishing I could come down.

But it's cold and rainy and I know I have to stay bundled in here while I can. Tomorrow we have a show..somewhere in France.
I woke up to food the boys brought up for me from the Hotel's breakfast buffet. Then I set what would be my routine for the day: 1) Play a few rounds of Unblock Me on my ipod touch. (It's a game where you have to skillfully re-arrange wooden blocks to free a Red block to puzzles the exit.) 2) sleep. alot. 3) play a few rounds of Unblock Me. 4) sleep..
I think you get the idea.
Throw in there my waking up and pretending not to be asleep whenever anyone walks in, just because I've grown tired of being alone. We chat, they leave. And I go back to the routine.
I make it sound terrible, but I guess it hasn't been. I Skyped a bit with family. Wrote some folks. Thought a lot. It's rare to ever this much time to yourself. It's not so bad. But hopefully this illness has about had enough of me, cause I'm quite sure I'm done with it.