Wrote this about Day 8 after the show. In retrospect though I'll say that we didn't play badly, but the crowd wasn't really there to hear music. They wanted to Hukah. So whatever.
Day 8 - Tea Bazaar Show
The notion that the shows get better response as we go farther north has been proven false--well, was shaken last night. The Tea bazaar was weird. The Balmorhea set was good, it was just weird for me cause I was kind of positioned in a way that didn't really allow me to hear things through the PA that well. but whatever. hearing at shows? psh. who needs that.
ok. you know, i just decided I don't wanna copy what i wrote in the car. So I'm just going to re-remember and write things out. Trapdoor--we played half way according to the set list. Revolution Choir felt a little weird to me, maybe to all of us, and then Ship of Death turned into this improv jam that was pretty cool, but apparently not what the Tea Bazaar crowd was wanting. Again, they were there to smoke hukah. Except for a couple tables of cool people. We did do a pretty sweet cover of "Love is Simple" by the Akron/Family. But I think we all walked away feeling like it was a weird set.
oh well. The radio show Trapdoor did earlier went well, so that's cool. But I think I already wrote about that. I don't really remember. Things are beginning to blur together. I just realized that was a lame report of the show...I apologize. When you feel strange about a set, the last thing you want to do is think about it repeatedly and then break it down into bunches of details to squish into paragraphs. I have some pics, but we'll see if blogger decides to let me upload em.
I'm about to write about today so go read that now. adios
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
day 8 - Charlottesville
Hey friends,
We're currently hanging out in the Tea Bazzar (spelling? I should be more precise about that). We're playing here tonight. We've been sitting around, reading, eating and sipping on tea until it's go time.
We stayed in a hotel last night so we could be a little closer to Lexington, Virginia, where Trapdoor had a live radio performance at the Washington and Lee University. That went pretty well.
Rob is feeling a little better, but he's still sick and very medicated. The day he went to the doctor, we saw a college newspaper headline that said something along the lines of "flu epidemic hits unprepared campus." Stupid flu.
I didn't take any pictures there. And I haven't taken any here in Charlottesville. I'm getting really lazy about it. I'm also getting lazy about blogging. I just don't wanna do anything actually. I want some sleep. and a movie. and...some ice cream. and my gals. It's exactly a week into the tour and I'm already missing my Austin crew. We're like sisters! I can't help it! I miss being goofy and nonsensical with my roommate. And I miss my blood sister too. She's the best. But, phones are great.
The guy from the radio show took us out to lunch at this Italian place. I was unaware when I ordered spaghetti that my plate would be a foot long. Dave ordered an entire pizza...for himself. lol He's shared it with us since then. So don't get the wrong idea. Point of the story is we ate well.
But yeah, lots of sitting around. My battery is gonna die soon. Sorry there aren't many pictures up. I've literally taken hundreds but uploading them to the internet takes for-ev-er, and getting them on blogger has been problematic for some reason. I just spent forever trying to get TWO pictures up. so annoying. Anyway, I'm doing what I can to give you a tiny glimpse into our lives.
Notes to people:
Alison-Danyelle-Monica-Taylor-Tucker: I miss you guys immensely!
madre-padre-mi hermana fantastica: te amo
Day 7 - Feb. 25
Ashville, we love you.
We played at a little cafe called Gourmet Perks. We set up our stuff and our traveling light show (yes, light show. it's documented. check it out. Kiss has nothing on us [ ok, so it's only three lights, but still...]). Anyway, it was kind of empty at first and then out of no where this crowd trickles in. Trapdoor played first, with an awe-inspiring version of "Song for Hooch and the Priest." That song's feeling really good these days. Rob and I have got that syncopated rhythm down really well, and Alex is always great of course. It is his song after all. And the second half of the song where it gets soulful and Motowny is amazing. I feel a little weird complimenting our playing like that. But just know I
The Balmorhea set went really well too. We started with "Limmat" into "Soft Rustling." I think "Baleen Morning" was after that, followed by "Process." Somewhere in there "Show Me" was played and was awesome. I just remember people clapping so hard. And this kid in a red shirt sitting up front, burying his face into his hands and shaking his head, and when I saw his face he looked so into everything. We thought we were ending with the "San Soloman" reprise, which was dedicated to Austin Dupree, but at the song's end, they clapped and clapped annnd didn't go anywhere. They just sat there, staring at us. And as you know, that's the international sign for hey, you better play another song. So we played the new untitled one, and people clapped again. The sound of energetic clapping is so nice to hear. Some guy screamed out, "Why wasn't that in the original set??"
We put up our things and this girl came up and told us how she loved our music and how it touched her. That was so sweet, and she seemed so honest and grateful. Then this other guy was so so excited about everything. He had beautiful sincere compliments. I got a short interview from him for my project and man, he'd never heard of us before, but he just loved the show so much. This is so bizzare to me. I mean, I picture people saying that to hugely famous musicians playing some huge venue or something, not to me, the 20-year-old girl, meandering through life with only half a clue, this timid-natured girl who comes alive when no one's looking, who thinks and thinks and selectively speaks. I can't even break my own walls down to be myself completely at all times in my own life. Sometimes, I feel like I could barely make a flame shiver if I blew at it. How could I be apart of something that brought that look of joy to this girl's face?
Music always just blows me away. I'll never understand what it does to people, how sounds can change us so much. I'm just very glad for this, probably more than I show.
We're listening to Zookeeper and driving closer to Lexington tonight to stay in a hotel. Tomorrow we get to play on a live radio broadcast. Ha, and just think. Two and half years ago, I'd stopped playing my violin.
Monday, February 25, 2008
More of day 7
It's such a nice day! I think we've all spent some time outside, reading or writing. For the first day since Austin, I didn't have to wear the ski jacket outside! haha. Big step for me. I made out alright in a tank top. Twas nice.
Alex, Dave, Adam and I went on a little walk led by Austin Dupree. It was scenic and pretty. We walked a wide path through lots of trees and dilapidated houses and sheds. There was also this creepy looking old factory building we passed. Apparently, it's private property and a local officer was quick to materialize out of no where and let us know. So we got back on the path and headed back to the Vista house.
You're probably wondering what Rob and Michael were up to all day. Rob got sick last night. Michael took him to the doctor today and it turns out that he has the flu...a contagious strand. So we've got lots of anti-bacterial and cold medicine for all of us. Don't worry moms and dads, we're washing our hands a lot and being really careful about keeping things clean. The boys also brought lots of Vitamins (Dad, I know you're glad to hear that). And we have lots of fruit and healthy things with us too. Hopefully he'll feel better soon. He's napping now. Luckily, we don't have too far to go tonight. Ashville is only an hour away. Welllll we're loading up the car and getting ready to go.
Ta ta for now
Day 7

We're still hangin out in the Vista house in Greenville. I had one of the best night of sleep since we've been on tour. We pretty much have this whole house to ourselves...including the kitchen :) No, we didn't eat their food. We finished off the left overs from last night's fantastic dinner. One of the girls made tortilla soup and spinach enchiladas for us all.
Last Night's Show (Feb. 24th)
The show went well. A girl named Emily who lives here started things off. She sang and played guitar and her voice was so clear and beautiful, kind of wispy and light. She sa
ng some folky songs, beginning with a cover of Ryan Adams' "Oh my Sweet Carolina."
After marveling at her voice, Balmorhea played. I can't really remember the set, but I know we played Soft Rustling, that new "Show Me" song, Divisadero, We Will Rebuild and the new untitled song. It was nice to play acoustic again. Everything is much more natural that way.
Trapdoor was last. We had a pretty long set which included (among other things) Deep Ellum Blues, Ramona, Elizabeth, Four Green Mountains, and Shekinah (Alex, forgive me, I know I just butchered that...). Man, I need to sneak around and get a recording of Mike singing that song. It's so great!
I don't even know what to compare it to. I told him I wished I could get an alarm clock with him singing that. I'd wak
e up sooo happy every morning! You just have to hear it for yourself. I think one night he should do a bunch of covers of Alex's songs. That would make my heart smile.
That room was pretty neat. All the lights were turned down, save for a few strings of white christmas lights and 6 candles on a table against the wall. We all sat in a line and the listeners sat in folding chairs around us. At the end of Trapdoor things, Emily came up with her guitar and we all played a few songs with her, beginning with Ms. Ohio and ending with Amazing Grace. I wish I could've gotten a picture of that. Just the look of four acoustic guitars in a row was really cool.
Twas a good night. We watched an episode of The Office before going to bed. Oh how I love that show.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Day 6
Hello hello
We are sitting inside a very southern looking house in the quiet of Greenville, South Carolina. It's near the campus of Furman University and I think everyone that lives here attends school there. It's so nice. There are tall white columns in the front, complete with a porch and rocking chairs. Inside, there are hardwood floors everywhere, a big kitchen, about 4 or 5 rooms upstairs annnd an upstairs kitchen too! The backyard is an open field. I pet a horse for the first time. Then he tried to eat my hair. When he realized I was empty-handed he became uninterested and walked away.
It's so pretty here! Very green. Lots of open space. I laid outside and stared into the clouds for a good while. You can see the mountains around and its a nice departure from the flatness of old Tejas. Today was the first day in a long time that we actually saw the sun.
Adam's sitting nearby reading and I think Dave is headed outside to write a bit. Alex is outside on a hammock reading, and Rob and Michael are in the kitchen. I think they're sipping on some tea that the woman from 11:11 Teahouse made and gave to us called "The Balmorhea Blend."
Well...I don't think I've got much more to say. The drive from Atlanta to Greenville was pretty short and that was nice. Before we left, we had brunch at this little place in Decatur, Georgia (which is just outside Atlanta. San Antonians, think SA-Alamo Heights, or SA-Helotes. Austinites, maybe Austin-Cedar Park?) That was a neat spot. Dave pointed out all the real estate signs about. Like Austin, it seems like people are moving toward downtown to live.
I hate pointing out racial things, but there were so many cool looking black people at that diner. lol. Sorry, I notice these things. This girl had this mohawk thing going on, but it was all dreaded. Lots of women with dreads, some with dreads and piercings. They seemed artsy. Maybe writers or poets or artists or maybe I'm just making assumptions. Growing up, I've just never seen that a lot. I've seen the stereotype and being a person that's never fit ANY black american stereotype, I've struggled with that and gotten a lot of crap for it. But what I'm trying to say I guess is that I was just glad to see that other black people are "different" too.
Anyway, I digress...I think I've got some pictures to share. I added some to the older posts. So take a gander and enjoy :)
side notes
p.s. please forgive all my grammatical errors and typos. if it doesn't make sense, I probably typed it wrong. Alex would never stomp on his guitar. That was supposed to be guitar case. and I don't why I keep thinking it's January. I'm loosing track of dates, yes, but not that bad. Tomorrow is South Carolina I think. yay.
These guys are goofy and its making me laugh.
ok. Sleeep. we should do that.
Daaaaaaaay 5 o dia cinco. (Choose your language)
Hello friends,
For once I actually get to post on the right day. Day five has been awesome. We played that 11:11 Tea House. This woman th
at works there, Penny, is so cool. She's her only employee and hosts lots and lots of art and musical events here. Plain
ly put, it's just a cute looking shop. It smells of tea and pastries, and rightfully so--it's filled with both. She made plates and plates of delicious baked goods and set them out on the table for FREE! Nothing's free these days, so I
thought that was really cool. At the end of the night, I got a short interview with her and she told me all about how she runs the place honestly out of the goodness of her heart. She believes in art and music, in conservation (everything in her place was given to her, or made by her from old things) and taking care of people. She named it 11:11 because at that time, she and her father would make a wish, and opening this Tea House was one of her wishes.
I love stories like that.
Georgia is beautiful. The trees stretch tall, and they're thin and lanky. We stopped in Tenn. at The Universit
y of the South which has got to be THE most gorgeous school in the history of the Earth. Period. Don't try and debate
me. It was pretty because it was hardly there. It's encased in nature completely. The trees and leaves cover everything and the "buildings" (which look more like country houses, complete with porches) are h
idden behind it all. I love it. Anyway, at the top of this mountain we stopped and were enthralled in our amazing view of the state. Hills, valleys, and so much green. It was great. We took lots of goofy pictures. Mike went "rock climbing" for about 2 feet and then did some goofy stuff I'm sad I missed with my camera. Gawking at nature is awesome. It's nice to see the country and be reminded that all of America does not look like Texas. Nature, hills, breathtaking views like that always remind me of God. He knew we'd enjoy it and I'm glad for it all.
Anyway, I haven't even talked about the music. I thought our sets went well. Let me try and remember them for you: Trapdoor: Elizabeth, Liberty's sons, Four Green Mountains, Earth Mouth, The Annunciation. Balmorhea: Soft Rustling (which is totally different from the version on the self titled album. I get a sweet solo at the beginning), Baleen Morning, Winter, Limmat, Barefoot Pilgrams, and the new untitled song. Good stuff. I was frustrated a little with the sound, just cause it sucks not having monitors. We could only hear ourselves from the main speakers. lame. I felt weird about it. Don't think it was the best set I've done. Buuuut people said it sounded good and they seemed happy and that's the point of it all right?
Alex and Adam went to Greenville, South Carolina to stay with Alex's sister Austin. She came to the show and brought bunches and bunches of people with her. Michael, Rob, Dave and I stayed here. Now we're enjoying internet that we haven't had in a while and are watching stupid videos on youtube. We've been laughing at Tim and Eric's Awesome Show Good Job. (shakes head0 it's so stupid. but funny...I'm kind of ashamed. Friends of Michael's were nice enough to give us their apartment for the night. Everyone has been so nice. It's great. This tour has really opened my eyes to the kindness of people, and how much life is truly about enjoying each other.
ok. This hasn't been that entertaining. I appologize. Tomorrow I'll upload pictures and transcribe some stuff I wrote in my journal during the drive (assuming I get up early. It's almost 3am here). Anyway, thanks for reading my friends.
love you all,
Saturday, February 23, 2008
More of Day 4
When going into the basement, by about the 5th step down, you have to duck so you don't smack your head on the floor that's just become your new ceiling. Blue, white, and pink christmas lights hang in different areas of the room, while sidewalk chalk drawings decorate the floor. I think i remember a plastic chandelier hanging low with a dinosaur mask and and a burger king crown dangling from it.
THE SHOW - Feb 22
The show went well. Mekenzie (I'm sure I just butchered her name. I know, I'm breaking journalism rule #1. But I think she'll forgive me) opened the night upstairs singing gently and softly, almost like a lullaby above her electric guitar twinklings. If you've ever seen Giant Drag perform, she reminds me of that girl, except her lyrics weren't nearly as strange and her music was much more relaxed.
But anyway, I don't feel like describing the music of everyone that played that night. The last guy though used a bunch of loops of himself playing guitar & bass and that was cool. the whole night his voice reminded me of Benjamin Gibbard.
Our sets went well. Rob and I played back-to-back sets, with Trapdoor starting things out. We played a set of mountain songs: The Holy Mountain, Las Meridanzas, Four Green Mountains, with Liberty's Sons, Earth Mouth (which judging by the slightly delayed applause, I think confused people) and we closed with Stone by Stone (Let Them Go). It was fun. Dave sat in and rocked an impromptu cello solo on Four Green Mountains and Mike played some drums. Twas nice.
Balmorhea did well too. We opened with San Soloman and closed with Limmat. But my favorite was the new song we wrote a few hours earlier that involved all 6 of us. Finally, Trapdoor and Balmorhea completely meshed in song making. With all our powers combined,we're like, i dunno, some cartoon where all the super heros from different shows come together and do a ridiculous job taking on the world. Not that I think I'm a super hero. Or that we're saving the world one song at a time. That song just gave me a picture of Captain Planet and his team holding up their rings in a circle and their beams of light become one.
anyway! the new song called "Show Me" (inspired by Missouri, the "show me state"), has this fiddley-blusey backwoods country feel. But in a good way.
It just kind of came together out of no where, but its pretty fun.Lineup: Michael-guitar, Rob-Banjo, Aisha-I only play violin...ever, Dave-cello, Alex- Harmonica, Adam-guitar.
Ummm post-show, Alex and Rob could be heard playing songs downstairs just for fun and the rest of us meandered around. I had a fun chat with Emma, a girl who I met during the last set who was willing to speak a little for my slideshow project. Kayla Simpson, if you're reading this, she reminded me a lot of you. She told me about Missouri, fun things to do in Chicago and I don't know, as Pinetop says, we just "talked stuff." That man is awesome.
I slept on the couch, in the same clothes I wore all day yesterday, which I'm still wearing now (yeah, i'm in full touring musician mode). Mike slept on the wood floor and looked like topaz mummy, all wrapped up in his sleeping bag. I woke up to the sound of Alex and Adam laughing, and the daylght stinging my eyes. there were two dogs having some annoying barking contest through the night. Are muzzles in-humane? And can I even use the word "humane" to describe fair treatment of animals?
well anyway, this has gotten pretty long. But when I know I still have a few hours left in the car, there's not much to keep me from rambling forever. Except that I know no one will read it if my words stretch on forever. Hopefully I'll get to post this before we play tonight. Nashville, we're commin!
THE SHOW - Feb 22
The show went well. Mekenzie (I'm sure I just butchered her name. I know, I'm breaking journalism rule #1. But I think she'll forgive me) opened the night upstairs singing gently and softly, almost like a lullaby above her electric guitar twinklings. If you've ever seen Giant Drag perform, she reminds me of that girl, except her lyrics weren't nearly as strange and her music was much more relaxed.
But anyway, I don't feel like describing the music of everyone that played that night. The last guy though used a bunch of loops of himself playing guitar & bass and that was cool. the whole night his voice reminded me of Benjamin Gibbard.
Our sets went well. Rob and I played back-to-back sets, with Trapdoor starting things out. We played a set of mountain songs: The Holy Mountain, Las Meridanzas, Four Green Mountains, with Liberty's Sons, Earth Mouth (which judging by the slightly delayed applause, I think confused people) and we closed with Stone by Stone (Let Them Go). It was fun. Dave sat in and rocked an impromptu cello solo on Four Green Mountains and Mike played some drums. Twas nice.
Balmorhea did well too. We opened with San Soloman and closed with Limmat. But my favorite was the new song we wrote a few hours earlier that involved all 6 of us. Finally, Trapdoor and Balmorhea completely meshed in song making. With all our powers combined,we're like, i dunno, some cartoon where all the super heros from different shows come together and do a ridiculous job taking on the world. Not that I think I'm a super hero. Or that we're saving the world one song at a time. That song just gave me a picture of Captain Planet and his team holding up their rings in a circle and their beams of light become one.
anyway! the new song called "Show Me" (inspired by Missouri, the "show me state"), has this fiddley-blusey backwoods country feel. But in a good way.
It just kind of came together out of no where, but its pretty fun.Lineup: Michael-guitar, Rob-Banjo, Aisha-I only play violin...ever, Dave-cello, Alex- Harmonica, Adam-guitar.
Ummm post-show, Alex and Rob could be heard playing songs downstairs just for fun and the rest of us meandered around. I had a fun chat with Emma, a girl who I met during the last set who was willing to speak a little for my slideshow project. Kayla Simpson, if you're reading this, she reminded me a lot of you. She told me about Missouri, fun things to do in Chicago and I don't know, as Pinetop says, we just "talked stuff." That man is awesome.
I slept on the couch, in the same clothes I wore all day yesterday, which I'm still wearing now (yeah, i'm in full touring musician mode). Mike slept on the wood floor and looked like topaz mummy, all wrapped up in his sleeping bag. I woke up to the sound of Alex and Adam laughing, and the daylght stinging my eyes. there were two dogs having some annoying barking contest through the night. Are muzzles in-humane? And can I even use the word "humane" to describe fair treatment of animals?
well anyway, this has gotten pretty long. But when I know I still have a few hours left in the car, there's not much to keep me from rambling forever. Except that I know no one will read it if my words stretch on forever. Hopefully I'll get to post this before we play tonight. Nashville, we're commin!
day 5!
Hey friends.
It is day 5 indeed. We are in a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. Tonight we'll be playing at a place called the 11:11 Tea House. We met the woman that runs it and she's really nice. She's actually at dinner with us along with the crowd that Austin Dupree (sister of Alex) has brought. I'm lookin forward to the show!
The drive to Georgia was definitely better than yesterdays. It took forever to get out of missouri. But last night we were in Nashville, Tenn. and we played a house show at this guy's apartment which he likes to call The Callis Palace. haha. Everyone was really cool and Mr. Callis made some awesome Indian curry for allll the bands there. Cooked for probably 16 people! So nice. Oh, food's here. adios!
It is day 5 indeed. We are in a restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia. Tonight we'll be playing at a place called the 11:11 Tea House. We met the woman that runs it and she's really nice. She's actually at dinner with us along with the crowd that Austin Dupree (sister of Alex) has brought. I'm lookin forward to the show!
The drive to Georgia was definitely better than yesterdays. It took forever to get out of missouri. But last night we were in Nashville, Tenn. and we played a house show at this guy's apartment which he likes to call The Callis Palace. haha. Everyone was really cool and Mr. Callis made some awesome Indian curry for allll the bands there. Cooked for probably 16 people! So nice. Oh, food's here. adios!
Day 4 (pretend it was posted Feb. 22)
day 4- Feb. 23 ( I wrote this yesterday in the car. enjoy!)
I'm not exactly sure where we are, but Rob just called Adam from the other car informing us that we'd gone through three states in three minutes (Missouri,
Illinois, Kentucky). We just drove on two huge bridges, arching over two rivers, equally as large in fame as in size--the Mississippi and the Ohio rivers. (If you're curious, we're listening to the Graceland album by Paul Simon).
The Mississippi was massive! So huge! I told the guys that for a second I forgot that Huck and Jim weren't real and I wondered how they'd set sail all alone on their sketchy "raft" and weren't afraid. I do that a lot with books. By the middle of the story I feel like the character's have somehow become a part of my life for a little while. I start looking forward to reading about them again, and I pick up the books looking for comfort like you get from an old friend. That's probably a little weird...But oh well.
So we've been driving since morning. We stopped at a place called Gailey's (I think?) in downtown Springfield, Missouri. The girl who was running the cashier recognized us from the show last night and swung by our table to say hello. She was really nice and even wrote down directions to the highway for us. We met nothing but nice people in Springfield. We played at a place called the Fountee Fount. It was a house where a few people lived. It was a really nice blue house, with three steps leading up to its porch. Inside, there were hard wood floors, a fireplace, show posters, and random interesting looking decorations. We were all pretty amused that it had a basement. And that's where the show was! In the basement! (I feel like I already said this). I'd always read about basement shows and now I've played one!
So excited.
I'm not exactly sure where we are, but Rob just called Adam from the other car informing us that we'd gone through three states in three minutes (Missouri,
The Mississippi was massive! So huge! I told the guys that for a second I forgot that Huck and Jim weren't real and I wondered how they'd set sail all alone on their sketchy "raft" and weren't afraid. I do that a lot with books. By the middle of the story I feel like the character's have somehow become a part of my life for a little while. I start looking forward to reading about them again, and I pick up the books looking for comfort like you get from an old friend. That's probably a little weird...But oh well.
So we've been driving since morning. We stopped at a place called Gailey's (I think?) in downtown Springfield, Missouri. The girl who was running the cashier recognized us from the show last night and swung by our table to say hello. She was really nice and even wrote down directions to the highway for us. We met nothing but nice people in Springfield. We played at a place called the Fountee Fount. It was a house where a few people lived. It was a really nice blue house, with three steps leading up to its porch. Inside, there were hard wood floors, a fireplace, show posters, and random interesting looking decorations. We were all pretty amused that it had a basement. And that's where the show was! In the basement! (I feel like I already said this). I'd always read about basement shows and now I've played one!
So excited.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Jan 21- Day threeeeeeeee
Hey, we are currently sitting in a coffee shop in springfield missouri. It's cold! and icy! The show we're playing tonight will be in the basement of a house. I've always read about basement shows and now I'll be in one of them. That's cooool.
Here's what I wrote in the car earlier on our way out of Tulsa, Okla.. Maybe later I'll get to upload some pics. I'm having some issues figuring out the photobucket slideshow. I think we might get a tour of a Chocolate Factory later. A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
Day 3 – Jan. 21. 2008
It’s day three on the Balmoreadoor—no. the Trapdorea winter tour 2008. We stayed the night with Alex’s childhood friend Nathan and his wife Valerie, and now we’re on our way out of Tulsa and en route to Missouri. The car is sprinkled with ice posing as water droplets, making it seem like the windshield wipers are neglecting their job. My view out of any window is hazy with the look of cold air. The naked, shivering trees have fuzzy edges, some with limbs cracked and broken pointing at the earth.
Valerie said an ice storm knocked out power in hundreds of thousands of homes and business in Tulsa for about a week. I know it was just ice, but there’s something eerie about so many wounded trees, and the two story pile of mulch from their clearing.
We awoke to cereal and cinnamon coffee cake. Towels on the table, and a bowl of fruit. We’re being well taken care of—or spoiled. But definitely in the arms of hospitable people.
We’ve had a lot of talk about chain restaurants. (music, album: “inspiration information”) they’re making all these cities look the same. You’re guaranteed a best buy, mcdonalds, a wendy’s a walmart, and some sort of generic looking shopping center. I hope we get to see places with novel town-specific things, or at least genuine things. So tonight is Spring field and tomorrow is Nashville! I’m cozy in the Trapdoor car again, right next to the snack-filled olive green cooler. We just drove over a nice looking river. Most of the ice has fallen from the window now. And I’m going to leave you to stare out the window.
Until the next wireless hotspot,
Here's what I wrote in the car earlier on our way out of Tulsa, Okla.. Maybe later I'll get to upload some pics. I'm having some issues figuring out the photobucket slideshow. I think we might get a tour of a Chocolate Factory later. A-W-E-S-O-M-E.
Day 3 – Jan. 21. 2008
It’s day three on the Balmoreadoor—no. the Trapdorea winter tour 2008. We stayed the night with Alex’s childhood friend Nathan and his wife Valerie, and now we’re on our way out of Tulsa and en route to Missouri. The car is sprinkled with ice posing as water droplets, making it seem like the windshield wipers are neglecting their job. My view out of any window is hazy with the look of cold air. The naked, shivering trees have fuzzy edges, some with limbs cracked and broken pointing at the earth.
Valerie said an ice storm knocked out power in hundreds of thousands of homes and business in Tulsa for about a week. I know it was just ice, but there’s something eerie about so many wounded trees, and the two story pile of mulch from their clearing.
We awoke to cereal and cinnamon coffee cake. Towels on the table, and a bowl of fruit. We’re being well taken care of—or spoiled. But definitely in the arms of hospitable people.
We’ve had a lot of talk about chain restaurants. (music, album: “inspiration information”) they’re making all these cities look the same. You’re guaranteed a best buy, mcdonalds, a wendy’s a walmart, and some sort of generic looking shopping center. I hope we get to see places with novel town-specific things, or at least genuine things. So tonight is Spring field and tomorrow is Nashville! I’m cozy in the Trapdoor car again, right next to the snack-filled olive green cooler. We just drove over a nice looking river. Most of the ice has fallen from the window now. And I’m going to leave you to stare out the window.
Until the next wireless hotspot,
Jan 20- Day two (pretend this was posted Wednesday)
Tulsa, Okla. We’re staying with alex’s friend Nathan. They grew up a blok away from each other in Dallas. Nice guy. Married. They have a cute apartment, complete with the obvious dressings a wife brings. Wedding photos re-appear on nearly every wall. My favorite piece of décor is a silver sculpture that reads “all because two people fell in love.”
They brought us three boxes of brother’s pizza which was scrumptious, if scrumptious has ever been paired with pizza. And after we’d had our fill, we piled into our cars and headed blindly for The Monolith. I say blind because we didn’t know what we were getting into. Whatever picture any of us had imagined in our minds was most likely a long shot from reality.
The venue was in the middle of a strip center, maybe an old pharmacy. There were a group of three emo looking kids standing outside in a circle wearing hoodies.
The venue had no stage. No seating. No sound system. Just an empty white room, with plain white walls with a plain white floor. Thorugh a doorway, we piled our gear inside a back room.
My favorite adornment was a poster taped onto the door of a non-working men’s bathroom wthat said “out of order: use the other bathroom (or hold that shit).”
After 10 min the empty room never changed. A yellow fluorescent light reflected dimly off the ground, making one photo look like they it was taken through a tangerine light. There were no people there and no people arrived. The first band set up and played for a buldging audience of eight…us and the two guys who ran the place. Apparently the guy who boked the show decided a few weeks back quit recently, and the other guys went to Texas for a Horror movie convention.
So two guys who weren’t quite sure what was going on came to run the show. The first group, I can’t remember their name, ut they were great. Crazy drumming, but cool jazzy piano lines and vocals I can’t describe, but loved.
We decided to play for the present folks unplugged. We sat on couches and gathered round. They filled the semi-circle we’d created and sat on the floor. I don’t know why, but I love shows where the audience sits on the floor. It was fun. I remember Alex stomping on his guitar case rhythmically, pounding the precussion of “ship of death.”
It was perfect I thought. Felt so much better than last night’s set.
We also played an old Trapdoor song recorded in the Fall of 2004, called “Hurry Up Delilah.” It’s crazy to think about where I was then, in 2004. Still thinking I was going to be a music major, and trying to figure out my future. Even if journalism was a wrong choice, it got me here. I met my connection to the Trapdoor band from Osler's intro to reporting class. Looking back and then looking forward again always reminds me of how God’s in control. None of our steps are accidental.
Ok, just gotta get over my timid nature and get some audio. Its as though I think I'm supposed to live and touch the water without creating a ripple...Funny convos about mustaches, traveling and things I Dont remember happened tonight. Now we're scattered across the living room, reading and writing. I've got the couch tonight. I'm tired now. Oklahoma is cold.
Tulsa, Okla. We’re staying with alex’s friend Nathan. They grew up a blok away from each other in Dallas. Nice guy. Married. They have a cute apartment, complete with the obvious dressings a wife brings. Wedding photos re-appear on nearly every wall. My favorite piece of décor is a silver sculpture that reads “all because two people fell in love.”
They brought us three boxes of brother’s pizza which was scrumptious, if scrumptious has ever been paired with pizza. And after we’d had our fill, we piled into our cars and headed blindly for The Monolith. I say blind because we didn’t know what we were getting into. Whatever picture any of us had imagined in our minds was most likely a long shot from reality.
The venue was in the middle of a strip center, maybe an old pharmacy. There were a group of three emo looking kids standing outside in a circle wearing hoodies.
The venue had no stage. No seating. No sound system. Just an empty white room, with plain white walls with a plain white floor. Thorugh a doorway, we piled our gear inside a back room.
My favorite adornment was a poster taped onto the door of a non-working men’s bathroom wthat said “out of order: use the other bathroom (or hold that shit).”
After 10 min the empty room never changed. A yellow fluorescent light reflected dimly off the ground, making one photo look like they it was taken through a tangerine light. There were no people there and no people arrived. The first band set up and played for a buldging audience of eight…us and the two guys who ran the place. Apparently the guy who boked the show decided a few weeks back quit recently, and the other guys went to Texas for a Horror movie convention.
So two guys who weren’t quite sure what was going on came to run the show. The first group, I can’t remember their name, ut they were great. Crazy drumming, but cool jazzy piano lines and vocals I can’t describe, but loved.
We decided to play for the present folks unplugged. We sat on couches and gathered round. They filled the semi-circle we’d created and sat on the floor. I don’t know why, but I love shows where the audience sits on the floor. It was fun. I remember Alex stomping on his guitar case rhythmically, pounding the precussion of “ship of death.”
It was perfect I thought. Felt so much better than last night’s set.
We also played an old Trapdoor song recorded in the Fall of 2004, called “Hurry Up Delilah.” It’s crazy to think about where I was then, in 2004. Still thinking I was going to be a music major, and trying to figure out my future. Even if journalism was a wrong choice, it got me here. I met my connection to the Trapdoor band from Osler's intro to reporting class. Looking back and then looking forward again always reminds me of how God’s in control. None of our steps are accidental.
Ok, just gotta get over my timid nature and get some audio. Its as though I think I'm supposed to live and touch the water without creating a ripple...Funny convos about mustaches, traveling and things I Dont remember happened tonight. Now we're scattered across the living room, reading and writing. I've got the couch tonight. I'm tired now. Oklahoma is cold.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
We Have Arrived!
Hey hey,
We are in Dallas! After a 2 and a half hour ride in a packed car, and one detour to the famous Czech Stop y (In West, Texas [no not regionally west, but the city is actually called West...weird, I know]), we made it. We're about to play a show at Good Records, an awesome indie record store near downtown. It'll be a short set, all acoustic, or "unplugged" as the cool kids say.
I think we have some friends waiting for us in Denton, where we'll play our second show of the night. Alex and Adam, half of the touring Trapdoor band, will meet us up there, along with Bexar Bexar. Fun things ahead. I'm sleepy, and my head hurts but still I can't complain. :)
Until the next time I find wireless,
Welcome! Blog Post Numero Uno
So I should most definitely be sleeping. It's 3:45 am. But my roommate threw me a fabulous going away dinner/get-together/hang out and the last guests just left, and well, I'm a night owl by nature.
I'm so excited about the tour! And all the places I'll get to see, the music we're going to make and the people we'll get to meet. I haven't been to any of the places we're going to (except for Omaha). I'll finally get to see Boston and New York City and get a feel for what weather is like in places that have real seasons (Texas just pretends).
I'm excited about this blog too. Naturally, I write all the time, especially on trips that I go on. So it'll be fun to share that with everyone, along with pictures. Please please feel free to post comments and say...whatever! This is a communication line to friends and family back home but its open to whomever should stumble upon it. If you're a newbie, I'll fill you in:
Things you should know about me:
--I'm a 20-year-old Journalism student at The University of Texas at Austin
--I play violin with Alex Dupree & The Trapdoor Band and Balmorhea
--I usually write way too much
--I have ditched school this semester to run around and do musical things
--I'm horribly indecisive (it literally took me a couple hours to pick a title and a template for this thing...yeah I'm ridiculous)
--I'm quiet until the walls come down. I'm really just a goofball inside.
--I am indeed the only girl on the tour
So WELCOME! Read around. Be Nosy. That's what these things are all about. I need to sleep now. We leave tomorrow (well, today)! g'night
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